Tarafsızlık Beyanı

UNIVERSAL GmbH acts independently and in a way to place emphasis on impartiality in all the certification services rendered.
For this purpose, UNIVERSAL GmbH has taken under guarantee that its employees are far from any political, commercial, and financial pressure while rendering its services.
No person or corporation may influence the decision of all the staff and committees that attend to certification activities.
While accepting the application of the companies that demand for certification, if there is any situation that might lead to a conflict of interest, no certification service shall be rendered to such companies.
All sources required for providing continuous satisfaction of our clients and minimizing the complaints shall be supplied continuously during execution of the System Certification Services in the best manner in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021.
UNIVERSAL GmbH employs a neutral, objective approach towards the parties during its certification activities, and it has listed the necessary measures and the ways to eliminate and minimize the threats in the potential conflict of interests table, in case of any situation that might lead to a conflict of interest.
UNIVERSAL GmbH has guaranteed that no consultancy services shall be given in any way.
UNIVERSAL GmbH has taken out a professional liability insurance against any damages or risks that might arise to third parties under the certification activities.
UNIVERSAL GmbH shall not apply any hidden discrimination by expediting or slowing down the process, or any other discriminative actions against the corporations that apply them for the certification process.