Quality And Impartiality Policy

The services carried out by UNIVERSAL are maintained in accordance with the needs of all related parties.

Importance of impartiality while carrying out management system certification activities is espoused by all of our employees. Assurances are developed to provide objectivity in all certification activities with requirements for impartiality, independence, equality, privacy, reliability, adhering to the principles of information security, so not in any conflict of interest and as far from all types of the commercial and financial, political pressures on management of the certification activities.

All conflict of interest risks which UNIVERSAL is in or a part is managed.

All the services are offered within the legal and accreditation requirements according to accreditation scopes.

In order to provide these, our quality policy is;

  • To serve according to the procedures that applied equally to all organizations,
  • To provide sufficient number of qualified personnel, and to improve their qualifications continually for assessment activities,
  • To follow the actual developments about certification activities and inform related parties about them,
  • To carry out our assessment activities in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 the scope of accreditation,
  • To be sensitive to protect the environment and natural resources and share this concept with related parties,
  • To make a merit of continuous improvement,
  • To provide all resources on ensuring impartial, independent, equal, reliable, confident certification activities.

Management Board