ISO 27001

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Information Security Management System Certification – ISO 27001 


ISO 27001 is the management system implemented for providing company information security and continual improvement of the system.


For companies, information has high value and for this reason should be protected like other important commercial assets.


Information security system protects the information from risks and threats in order to ensure commercially continuance, to minimize the losses, to maximize the cycle of opportunities and investments.


Information could be stored on paper, in electronic form, could be sent via mail or electronically, could be shown as film or expressed verbally.


Information should be protected in any form whatsoever.


Information Security Management System (ISO 27001) Benefits :

  • Shows the importance given to information security,
  • Provides the job contiunity,
  • Customer confidence is won,
  • Provides obeying the legislation,
  • Provides protecting and maintaining competitive power, cash flow, profitability, legal obligations and trade image,
  • Protects the information systems and network from threats and risks like computer-aided dishonesty, spying, sabotage, fire and flood.