ISO 9001

Quality Management System Certification – ISO 9001 


ISO 9001 is the management system that provides guaranteeing all processes of product or service are managed in the frame of quality principles not depending on the type of product or service provided and produced continually.



To survive in the current market conditions is only possible with providing product and service that exactly meets the customer needs and expectations in all sectors. To achieve this goal, the most preferred and common way is to apply the ISO 9001 quality management system, among all processes from the design to marketing, production/service and covering the all stages of after sale services with the aim of continual improvement.


Quality Management System (ISO 9001) Benefits :

• Provides national and international competitive advantage,

• Increases economization, efficiency and profitability,

• Strengthens communication,

• Strengthens corporate image,

• Provides product/service reliability,

• Encourages customer-focused working,

• Increases employee motivation,

• Increases process efficiency by process approach,

• Establishes continual improvement of processes as corporate culture by corrective and preventative actions,

• Provides preventing economical and other losses due to quality problems,

• Decreases costs,

• Provides company acceptability by customer easily in export and internal market

• Provides traceability and assessment easiness,

• Facilitates defining improvement areas,

• Could be carried out to companies of any size and from any sector.