OHSAS 18001

Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification – OHSAS 18001 

OHSAS 18001 is the management system implemented for providing occupational health, safety and protecting them by continual improvement in organizations.

One of the most important difficulties encountered in the organizations is that employees do not have safe and healthy working areas. For attaining much better competition conditions, employees should conduct planned and systematic studies about occupational health and safety.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001) Benefits :

• Provides consistency to national and/or international legislation,

• Increases the profitability by decreasing the work accident and occupational diseases,

• Increases the motivation and participation,

• Provides the employees healthy and secure working area,

• Provides being prepared to emergency states (earthquake, fire, flood etc.) and accidents and also provides decreasing the states like accident etc.,

• Provides decrease in states of production that causes accidents and decrease in material losses.